
Your staff is golden…

hard at work

by Anne Marie de Lavison

Vice President, Business Development at JPdL Toronto & Niagara, JPdL West

In life as well as in the workplace, people are what count! And if you ask any successful business the reason why they are successful, it is due mainly to their people. They can make or break the good vibes in a workspace. They can provide solutions to challenges, create innovative approaches to the way things have always been done. They can create passion, strength, confidence and harmony in a team. They can turn a nervous client into a relieved and appreciative one.

Be aware of how you communicate                                            

From body language to the spoken and written word, communication can affect a human in ways that vary considerably. Simply assume that everyone is ultra sensitive. A harsh word or curt message can ruin someone’s day and cause resentment. We must be mindful of our effect on another individual. If hard truths need to be told, then they must be, but in a respectful and constructive manner.     

Ask for ideas and listen!                                                                    

The wealth of ideas emanating from the minds of our colleagues is mind-boggling. To encourage people to speak freely and brainstorm, we try to be very positive. No idea is a bad idea. The best way to make one feel that their voice counts is to encourage discourse and new veins of thought. It makes it easier in a brainstorming session for someone else to jump on that thought and bring even more to the table. Everyone leaves the session having experienced a sense of achievement and success. In this day and age there are no limits to what people can imagine. The span of generations in one room, from Boomer to Millennial to Gen Z, will bring a different approach to a same question. Because we are a product of our environment, each generation complements the others with their own specific knowhow and grasp of reality.

Communicate your values to your clients                                      

It’s important to work with your clients to help them understand that your staff are one of your greatest assets and are to be valued. An easy way to do this is by providing regular breaks and meals for long shifts. When staff feel valued they’re more likely to go above and beyond for both you and your clients. A simple thank you and recognition for work accomplished can generate a lot of good will. Clients will recognize the reason for your success. Happy employees will support their company through thick and thin.

Respect your greatest asset, your staff                                   

Respect their time, their frame of mind, their work load, their craving for knowledge, their wanting to be involved, their talents, their personal life, their dreams and aspirations. It is essential to provide understanding and stimulation, recognition when due, enthusiasm for their future plans and ideas, and finally to take concrete measures to help them reach these goals. Our staff should keep us on our toes and should let us know how we are doing. It is a two-way street.